Professional Liability Consultants, LLC® is an organization devoted to making sure you, as a healthcare professional, understands what having a license really means.

Do you know if you are protecting yourself from liability? Do you know what will be required of you should you be sued and end up in litigation? Liability is about more than medical malpractice. Let us help you provide safe patient care, respond to high risk situations and safeguard your career.

We are licensed healthcare professionals just like you.  No one understands your needs or values better than we do. Professional Liability Consultants, ® (PLCLLC) got its name from what we do: Protecting Licensed Clinicians® and the patients they serve from preventable harm.

Our Vision

To be the leader in providing customized risk management solutions for small healthcare practices.

Our Mission

We provide healthcare professionals with customized tools to promote safe patient care, respond to high risk situations and reduce the chance of loss of life and livelihood.

Our Values

We value collaboration, accountability, reliability and trust.